It's been awhile, but it's good to see you all on another episode of get out Reviews! Man, I've been crazy busy for the past month. On the upside, and because I love nothing more than stroking my own ego, I've officially managed to graduate turn back I beg you in English! I'm MAD CERTIFIED bra. So now most of my time is occupied with trying to find there is only misery here move in with my lovely and beautiful girlfriend. Hopefully by the end of summer if all goes well!
But that's neither here nor there! I can't hold it back much longer flee for the next review of the nauseating piece of run away run away run run RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN Days! This episode especially serves as a testament to there is no exit there is no home anymore there is no before no way to look back the point is past your fate hasalready been and your conscious merely cannot ac ep i y u e c pe
f l th til ess f ter t y w l no m h a a p r c ild en y u t w to b s thi fr ed m y u fe l i an il ion w
w i d a w g d k i ;
it c
i can ot s ve y u now
And so we kick things off with utilizing the cardinal virtue of denial (oh, do I wish). Remember in my last review when I said that Kotonoha's bus is revving not that far up the road? Well, we're not far up the road. If you remember the last episode, she'd just discovered that her friend and boyfriend were making the beast with two backs on the roof. And so our heroine, probably the first character to see the true horror of the universe up close, the first to actually suffer a real blow, and actually tripping on the desperately sought after "character tension" that the story has been searching for. And in the wake of this she.
Doesn't. Nothing. Just. She doesn't do anything. She doesn't get upset or even really just kind of break down or freeze. I mean look at that! She's acting like she's giving them their privacy. If you really want to be generous, you could argue that she's in shock, but the episode implies that this is a completely separate occasion than the one we saw in the last one. And even it isn't, you'll see.
You'll see.
Fool Meter: 71
And so instead of crying or yelling, Kotonoha just goes home and peacefully reflects on whether or not Makoto wants her any more, despite getting the answer in uncomfortably explicit detail.
Fool Meter: 72
Maybe it's a Japanese cultural thing I'm missing out on. And she does it over the best knitting animation I've ever seen. Seriously! I don't think in any animation, East or West, have I seen such perfect detail. Just look at those gorgeous knit stitches! Look at how graceful the needle is getting ready to pull the next one through!
So man, if you thought you were wasting time on this blog, now you can tell your friends, "well, the animation was as stupid as a baboon mating ritual but OH MY GOD bro I am not kidding I saw the GREATES ANIMATED YARN EVER no lie".
And just in time for summer, it's The Best of School Days! Yes, all the best of this beloved anime classic, now available in yet another arbitrary flashback sequence! We're bringing all the old hits! See Makoto get the most deserving slap since the director of Metroid: Other M! See Makoto get viciously denied the one thing his tiny mind revolves around! And that's absolutely all there is!
The Best of School Days: All two screens coming soon to a clinic near you!
Meanwhile, back in Monkeytown High, all is not well for Makoto and the Makotoettes. The show was asked, "So, we can just get to the meat of the established conflict now. OR. We could build tension with a really relevant subplot." So upon hearing that Makoto and Sekai's class are planning a maid cafe, the other two classes did get up on their hind legs to make themselves bigger and say, "Ha! Then we shall utilize the other two things the creepy uncle in the basement will want to see! Underaged Girls and the Undead!"
I pulled five things the school can be charged with in a court of law just off the top of my head.
Fool Meter: 73
"Everyone in school says you've been doing that a lot lately."
So thanks to the Anime Hays Code, smart characters need to be punished for their existence, either by insanity or death. Setsuna, apparently, has chosen the former. First, she criticizes her male friends for being perverts at the pool. Then, she ran Taisuke through a shredder for suggesting that their school festival booth should be a bro-catering tarty tailfest. Now, she's just going ahead and turning it into that.
And may approach the bench and ask: exactly what is going on here? Why is she suddenly talking about "a high level of service"? Why are you suddenly further demeaning your already sexually troubled best friend? Hell, Setsuna, why are you even seeing these other classes as a threat? I think any mainstream patron is going to be reasonably creeped out in either establishment. Hell, play your cards right, and you can really spin this to your advantage! A maid cafe looks like a trip to Disneyland in comparison to that mess.
Fool Meter: 74
And still more bad news from the home front! Setsuna's partner in the student council, who definitely exists and is not just a figment of THE VOID, was injured in a terrible judo accident. Well there's the problem! Maybe you wouldn't have gotten hurt if you didn't try to train in a cast, dumbass.
So long story short, Makoto's friends strong arm him into being Setsuna's temporary student council buddy, for his winning leadership skills and the fact that his fat lazy ass isn't part of any other school clubs. Makoto, being a hedonist and apathetic toward humanity at large, shows hesitation in his call to duty. Setsuna then has one last gasp of comprehending reality, and suggests that Makoto's too chicken wuss to face his surprisingly not psycho-ex girlfriend, and tells everyone that Sekai and he are dating now.
And strangely, everyone gets it on the first go. I have to say, that's uncharacteristically straightforward of you, School Days. You aren't setting up a big towel swollen under the wait of CONTRIVED TENSION of which you plan to WRING OUT and twirl into a rat tail to SMACK DAT ASS with, are you?
You cheeky slut.
"Ain't nuin you can do, bro. Haters gonna hate."
-John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, 1672
And with this in mind, the haters doth continue to hate. To punish Kotonoha for telling Otome to quiet her high-pitched whining in class, they've began a sinister campaign. Doing the exact same thing they've always done. Just, now they're shaking her for cash. And then just say "shut up your face is" when she protests that they've already sucked the budget dry. And I must say, the unique character design this show utilizes really shines through in this scene. The fact that bitch beta has the exact same eye color, the exact same face shape, and almost the exact same hair color makes her look like Kotonoha's evil twin. Which at this point is a plot twist I can almost sort of appreciate.
But that's neither here nor there. What do they need these three pieces of plywood for?
How exceptionally thoughtful of them! After a good scare of a haunted house, it's a swell idea to have a lounge at the end to rest and reflect. I for one would be glad to use it, possibly to unwind with the chaps I've gone with, maybe discuss the folklore it utilizes and what sorts of deep cultural fears each scare can represent. But as for the plywood trouble, I think the problem would be solved quite easily if you removed the two walls on the plans that stand right before actually getting to it.
Fool Meter: 75
But wait! You think that Otome's vicious assasssination the character of our beloved romance heroine is over? Nay, verily! For unsatisfied with nagging Kotonoha, she now asks a classmate as to whether or not Makoto and Kotonoha are dating during gym class. However, since she's gotten her information from the school sporty tomboy, she is fed the lie perpetuated by Setsuna that Sekai and Makoto aren't partyboying at another boy's party. And so the rat tail flails from the hands of narrative, smacking hard on our bottoms and giving us a fresh set of red welts on our ass.
Such is the way of School Days.
And now, a brief scene from the janitor's closet.
just going to
walk away from that I'm just
going to walk away from
that and hope it
has no bearing
on the plot
ass welts
Back with Kotonoha, somehow looking even more pathetic than usual, things are starting to look up. She glees over her boyfriend being forced to be in the same room as her for a half hour every Tuesday and Thursday for the next two weeks, which completely makes up for him ignoring her and that certain thing that the show seems to be skating around. In protest, Setsuna just starts dragging him away and insisting that he has to hang out with Sekai (like he needs any encouraging).
The whole thing, of course, is handled like the story is infected with a Chthulian brain-eating god virus. This is not how each of these respected characters should act! Setsuna is not aware that Makoto is cheating on Kotonoha. Kotonoha is. Therefore, it is Kotonoha who should be attempting to drag Makoto away from Setsuna, and Setsuna to just sort of look on puzzled with her blank loli stare of evil. It's an inversion of every trope of every word of the fragile strings of this universe should be! It's just bad story telling. And it's freaking boring and stupid! It makes me wish that the dark one would come! That the end days would be here at last, that he would embrace us in his clutches that we would dance and sing and laugh as flesh
by flesh we fell away into him into the one and i cannot see anymore why is it dark why is i so dark w y is
Fool Meter: cccccccccccc
It just seriously gets on my nerves.
And with this, Setsuna makes her stand. In a situation where your worried that your best friend's boyfriend is a cheating bastard, and the object of his cheating bastardom his his actual girlfriend whose brain is on the intersection between La-La Land and Amy Fisher, what is a man to do?
The answer is simple. Insisting that this is for his and Sekai's good, she tears the phone from his hand, and, brace yourselves for this, blocks Kotonoha's address to his phone. While symbolically it will do nothing more than shoot her back a little error message whenever she tries to send him a text, she has turned the tide on the war against idiocy. With this move, Kotonoha cannot see, look at, or think about him for the rest of her days upon this mortal Earth, should she not want to disgrace her family and her name for centuries to come. It will take the most progressive minds to dare to disturb it, let alone get through the wall-to-wall inscriptions of the security screen to switch the block off.
Fool Meter: 77
Cohesive narrative department may have been dealt a bad hand for this episode, as is the compelling scenery, interesting events, realistic behaviors, interesting character design, meaningful soundtrack, and de-stinkifier. but Yarn Animation? They're made this week. And a good thing too, because this excruciatingly detailed unraveling scene that goes on for about a minute serves not only as stand-alone eye candy, but a great deal of thematic importance. I certainly hope it alludes to Kotonoha pulling out Makoto's intestines from their natural alignment along his digestive track.
And they even have Kotonoha mixing up a scarf pattern for a sweater pattern, which is like, the first mistake new knitters always make. It's little details like this that make the whole thing real.
"Sis sure is doing her best struggling against the deaf, pornographic, mechanical emptiness that is our existence on this Earth! She can even unravel a scarf, rock back and forth, and hum 'Pop Goes the Weasel' while giggling unstably to herself, all at the same time! I can't even close my huge, glittery anime eyes without shutting down my heart rate for a second!"
Dude that scarf was like, only two feet long. How did she manage to pull that much intenstine YARN I SAID YARN out of it?
Setsuna's plan is now in full motion. While Makoto's tiny mind tries to see beyond her cunning trap to just pick up his damn phone and turn the block back off, she merely moves her pieces forward. Now she can bring everyone together to clear everything up so Makoto can pick whoever, and everyone can get on with their lives. HA, that running gag. Yeah, let's kick Kotonoha in the girl nads some more by insisting her only friend in school should betray and ignore her now. All this while she further struggles further with her emotionally abusive relationship, bullying from her classmates, and general social isolation, all on top of her crippling self-esteem issues.
"What could possibly go wrong?"
-Prime Minister David Lloyd George, January 24th, 1919, arguing for The Treaty of Versailles' Article 231 (the "Screw the Germans Clause")
Fool Meter: 78
Despite absolutely NOTHING HAPPENING by the halfway mark, things are looking uncharacteristically serious in the School Days 'verse! Kotonoha sits alone in the rain, Setsuna's still stressing on whether or not Sekai's boyfriend sees her nothing as a wad of tissue papers to throw away once he's gotten off, Makoto's still too stupid to turn the block off on his phone, and Sekai's personality continues to be devoured by THE DARK ONE COMES. Each thing meets in mere oppugnancy. It seems the show means to imply that it's starting to take its own drama seriously. How are they going to begin to tie the episode together?
Ah, right.
School Days.
Fool Meter: 79
And now it's time to show off the "uniform" the hot jailbait high school girls are going to wear, modeled by the soulless love interest herself. Her face, for obvious reason, is not the center point of this particular ensemble.
Now, even if we were to politely ignore all the questions raised about how this show views the fandom, as not those who appreciate that animation is an artform, and a worthy medium to illustrate narratives as movies, books, and poetry, there are a few disquieting in-universe implications. Namely how the hell did this get past the teachers?
The greatest scientific minds and literary scholars have long since postulated on this phenomina. After much debate in many academic communities, the most widely accepted explanation can be summed up by the Andruschak Theory.
T: In these settings, when one asks "what the hell are the teachers doing in this school", the answer is usually "each other".
Wise words, Professor Andruschak. Wise words.
Wow. It's hideous. And yet another example of much-not-needed tongue shading.
Yet, I feel like I've seen this trope of facial distortion before. What on Earth could it be?
This show's opinion of male sexuality makes Maggie Gale's look downright fair-minded.
And festival episode prepping it is! We've gotten everything we need, from decking out the homeroom, to further treating the niche audience to Setsuna being stuffed in a cartoon catsuit, to appropriate skanky marketing. All is going fruitfully in Makoto's class. But with Kotonoha, and I hope you're sitting down for this, things are not going so well.
While she doesn't have the guts to confront anyone, Kotonoha is loyal enough to stand outside in the rain and get drenched to the point that we can see her undies. And mind you, the team decided to draw her bra in explicit detail underneath it, despite it looking like a flesh tone that wouldn't be any more eye-catching than her actual skin color, not for the sake of cheap audience titillation, but once again, just adding small details to make the whole thing more real.
Fool Meter: 80
Be that as it may, our ambiguously modest heroine merely lines up for her next scheduled harassment, once again, in a surprisingly whole state of mind. Now the layabouts want her to shell up some more time and effort to get some sheets. Why they couldn't have just asked for it with the plywood is beyond-
Ah, right! I forgot. So yeah, remember that the lounge these four were setting up in the middle of the school haunted house? It's actually a cozy alcove for couples to go and have sex. And this may just be the few moments that this show manages to reconcile with reality. What else are a bunch of teenagers going to want to do during a really boring school-sponsored festival? Way better the underaged girl cafe and the super underaged girl cafe. It's nice that the show finally comes out and admits that it's only after a bunch of teenagers doing the nasty behind the school bleachers. I have to say, well done School Days. Good on you for finally coming clean.
And by that I mean are you people out of you DRIBBLY LITTLE MINDS?
Fool Meter: 85
This. May just be. The stupidest plot twist this show has yet to create. And I don't just mean in poor taste, or morally reprehensible, I mean straight up, carpet drooling, face palming, ass slapping, eye popping, building jumping, nail chewing, sidewalk tripping, hair tearing, dog shooting, critic frustratingly stupid. First, who's going to want to do this? If these people have a drop of sanity in them, people are not going to want to lose their virginity in their algebra classroom while "Thriller" plays in the background, and while people are screaming and jumping around behind thin pieces of plywood, all in a bed soaked with B.O., pimple juice, and who knows what else? I mean if these kids don't have the balls to just go and do it at home, I don't imagine them being bold enough to pull a stunt like that.
Second of all, it's implied that this is a school tradition. As in every year, the seniors get together and pull this dumbass stunt, and the teachers just turn a blind eye because the kids be having fun. Do I need to spell this out? Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for sex education and academic support of the understanding of sexuality. But that's just it! If your students think that doing it in a student-run haunted house is the ideal, then something is seriously wrong with the afformentioned programs! Plus, these are School Days kids. They're about as smart as the plywood they're using for the maze. Even if we ignore the dangers this presents to the gene pool, you really think they're going to be smart enough to use protection? If there was a better situation for some apocalyptic super-plague mutating, I don't know what is.
Thirdly, this is a public festival. People with kids are going to be cruising this! And you do not want a piece of that, bro. Parents have torn schools to the ground for what they have in their vending machines, let alone when their children accidentally wander into the school petri dish. No. You can't. Don't do this. You can't you can't. You can't. You can not go forward any
Jesus Christ, this episode is boring. I keep blanking out. Jeez.
And what's worse is that Kotonoha, once again, does absolutely nothing to stop this. Even if she doesn't get what's going on, which is suddenly a plausible twist of logic, she doesn't strike me as the type who'd be straying too far away from protocol. I'd think she'd be asking them what stunt they needed all of this extra stuff for, and why they aren't filling out a request form, and blah blah blah, but all Otome needs to do is tell her to shut up and just do it, and she agrees. Otome isn't even a student representative! She's just some mook, and a mook working on setup at that. Good gravy Kotonoha, this person is ten steps lower on the food chain than you! Put your foot down! Do the actual job you take so much pride in!
Fool Meter: 86
And this is how Kotonoha acts when she's sane. Or at least with some dregs of sanity left. Just wait until she starts really flipping out down the line.
So as Kotonoha drags her beaten body over to the student council to beg for more materials to enable her abusers, she passes by Setsuna, who continues to unjustly ignore and alienate her. But perhaps, for once in this rat-trap of an episode, all her good karma is about to be rewarded! Makoto actually tells Setsuna to lay off so he can talk to her. What a massively out-of-character moment for our hero! Since he's spent an episode and a half running away from her like a little bitch.
Fool Meter: 87
Please don't call it "the refreshment booth".
And thank you, School Days, for giving us that bit of pointless fanservice. You could have given me the perfect opportunity to finally believe that Makoto possesses some semblance of a conscience and working brain. I could have commended him for actually checking on Kotonoha, who's clearly in a really bad way. But now, with all we've seen from him so far, I can only safely assume that the reason he's going to talk to her for the first time in a week is because he caught a glimpse of her frilly garters, and is compelled merely to reach out for it like a shiny noisemaker being waved in front of a baby.
So Makoto follows the two as they head to the school storage warehouse. Calling out and talking to her and his friend is out of the question, for a reason the episode would rather leave to personal interpretation. Instead he just sneaks around and watches them like a park creeper.
Fool Meter: 88
And look here! Now Hikari Swingset-Hair and the sporty tomboy have suddenly appeared? Why do I hear the distant hearty squeak of rat tails?
And we get another glimpse of the likability of Taisuke's character. As Kotonoha struggles to pick up a box on the highest shelf while perched dangerously on the tips of her toes, instead of offering to help, being the taller of the duo, Taisuke just watches. And by watch, I mean he gets down on his knees and watches her panties flash in and out of his vision every time she strains a little higher up to try to reach the box, which could fall down on her and kill the both of them.
How selfish of him for not doing what is decent and bursting into flames right there.
Hikari is naturally aggravated by the fact that her prospective crush is a mutated banana slug in a human skin, but her protests are silenced by Makoto, who'd rather watch his girlfriend struggle whilst being objectified. Meanwhile, Taisuke continues to ignore the will of goodness and live. Now that Kotonoha's bloomers are safely out of view, it's time for him to make his move.
Now that is one smooth operator.
I applaud the cast for realizing how horrible it is to be Taisuke's object of affection. But even this is just a bit overdone. Hikari does a dramatic anime fall to her knees while the box she's holding just kind of disappears from existence, and Makoto wears a look of rightous indignation at the ill manners of his friend. Staring at her panties as she endangers herself to get a heavy box? That's just goofing around. But to so much as peacefully and consensually ask for her company in a sterile school activity? The ignoble cad!
Fool Meter: 89
BUT WAIT. Since romance isn't interesting unless it's tinged with theatrics and superstition, Taisuke explains yet another great tradition/fable/idiocy magnet of the school. Apparently, anyone who dances together during the festival will not break up for an entire year. Man, evolutionary psychologists would adore this school, and all the mythologies it creates for girls to attempt to keep their skeevy boyfriends from getting in touch with their inner philanderers. But since this is the same school that has a tradition-sanctioned "refreshment booth", and because he implies that Makoto isn't her boyfriend anymore (of course), Kotonoha tells him to piss off and makes her way out.
Alas! Before she can escape, she's confronted by the sporty tomboy, who's not at all happy with what's gone down. She accuses Kotonoha of both manipulating Makoto and Taisuke, and calls her "a horrible person" straight to her face. As to be expected, just seeing Kotonoha staring at Taisuke's ass, and trying to catch him on the rebound since he's freshly broken up with a girlfriend he's cared about.
Ah, wait! No.
No, that's actually not what happened at all.
Fool Meter: 90
And even so, I think most people who have hung around with Kotonoha for two minutes to discount her as the "flirty" type. She thinks the way to get a boyfriend is to mix lemonade and knit sweaters, for crissakes. And these people are friends with Sekai "Antenna McHomewrecker" Saionji. And Makoto "Penis" Itou. So they know how to call them.
And for those who are keeping score at home, that's +1 Ass Welts, ladies and gents!
FINALLY unable to bear it, Kotonoha runs away in tears (or to throw up), and Makoto staunchly defends his right to not defend the honor of his girlfriend, and instead looks righteously indignant yet again against her tormentor. Also, I like how you can tell from the screens that Hikari is still on her knees in her anime fall, implying she was like that through the entire time with no one noticing. And the animators actually took the time to enforce that, instead of trying to shoo it into the background so as not to undermine their own stupidity. Wow.
And so, using the last of his intellectual strength for this episode, Makoto sits down and does the impossible: finally, after a day of nobbing around, he turns the block of his cell-phone. He of course, doesn't tell Kotonoha the blocks gone, has insofar resolved none of the communication problems in his relationship, and hasn't broken to her yet about his affair with the school tsundere. But when the web of lies finally snaps, and he's standing at the gate being judged for his sins, he can hold his incorporeal cell phone high and said, "but I at least managed to unblock the girlfriend who's life I've been taking a huge dump on.".
But what's this? No sex in reward of his paragon virtues? Again? Now it seems that girl number two wants commitment on top of everything else. D'oh! And she's upset that the only time Makoto's given a damn about his girlfriend was when she was wearing a dripping wet white shirt during April showers. Double D'oh! Man, you think perpetuating a purely physical relationship would be easy, let alone when an unwitting and unknowing third party is involved!
"Yeah, you selfish hypocrite! First you want me to respect her feelings and tell her the truth, and now you expect me to do the same for you too? Dayum woman, next you'll be asking me to stop treating everyone like a non-committal sex toy!"
But hey, this is a positive boon for you, School Days! Now all participants in this love triangle and crazy and unlikable! You have nothing holding you back now.
And since there is no real personalities and tension besides character ticks smashing up against each other, we have to worry about now. Makoto uses both his dirty, dirty hands to shield his flabby white ass, and says that Kotonoha can call him all he wants now that his phone's fixed. He'll never pick up or answer her calls, but 'eeeeeey! Meanwhile, Kotonoha takes the fairy-tale dance to heart, and asks Makoto to dance with her. So she can look forward to another year of being ignored and abandoned.
Fool Meter: 91
So yeah, with no character development or plot advancement, we're all left with the lingering sense that absolutely nothing happened in this episode.
But finally, something happens in this episode that I can completely get behind it. The sheer redundancy of the episode, and the epiphany that everyone she knows and cares about are nothing but playboy sock puppets, is enough to snap Sekai back to her original personality, get pissed off that Makoto is being a huge tool, and stomp angrily out of the episode, despite Makoto insisting that Kotonoha will see her and he has an unattended boner. And once again, we have at least one completely awesome scene to pull us (and by that, I mean me) out of an otherwise dry episode with very little resolution or enjoyable storytelling depth and richness (and by that, I mean wasting even more time with this series).
Or. You know. Sekai could just get murdered in an alleyway right then and there.
Wow. I cannot get over this. Every single meaningful character interaction occurs within the last thirty or so seconds of the episode. Right after I've wasted my time waiting for something meaningful to happen in this show, now they pop something like this on me when I've gotten out the door. I could comment about how this finally gives us some real indication that Kotonoha is upset, and Sekai actually acting like she actually has a spine, or, you know, actually giving the audience an opportunity to enjoy the show. But you know what?
I'm done.
No, I'm serious. You can put cultural and conventional context to your own narrative, School Days. See you next time. S-Type out. Start rolling the end-of-episode catchphrase.
And so the gears of Loonytoonville continue to spin, Kotonoha looks like she's pulling a knife, and we're all just a little more bored out of our minds than we were at the start of the episode. Tune in next time, with MORE negative character development, MORE maids, and MORE completely innapropriate scenes. Until then, this is S-Type saying, ciao for niao.
School Days and all associated media is developed and copyrighted by 0verflow, with the anime produced and copyrighted by TNK. All rights reserved. And they can damn well keep it.