Welcome to S-Type's Words To Live By

What is this you ask? Other than, you know. Words to live by. This is a blog written by an undergraduate English Major with little experience and big plans. It is her sincere dream to be a writer someday, so she feels like it's time to finally crawl out of her dark cave and be a writer for the people.

What can you expect? Standard internet fare really. Snark, humor, bits on life, and lots and lots of fanbetchery. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Hi Alex

It really must have been midnight last night-how did I ever think "of COURSE the guy who encouraged me to start a blog won't read it" ever crossed my mind? Let alone that he beat out Mom and Teresa. Thank you for the help starting and thank you for reading Alex. Man, but I feel privileged! Most people don't get constructive criticism on their blog until like, months in. I got one day two! Rock on lads!

Currently my day has been prepping for my brother's graduation. Maybe I am just a cynical young lass*, but I always considered the greatest graduation party to be the day you wake up and realize you no longer need to have a seven-inch-wide locker next to the fourteen-inch-wide jockass. But graduation is in the eye of the beholder. God help them, but some people actually really enjoyed high school, made lasting friendships, and really were proud of their accomplishments. So there are people genuinely sad enough about leaving high school and feeling the need to celebrate all they done.

But let's be real here; it's high school. This is the place where one moron can throw a bagel at the school principal and every peaceful, law-abiding nerd gets rounded up for an angry auditorium lecture on respect. This is where "yo mama" jokes are actually considered funny. We laugh at those animes where high schoolers actually do things like bump ugly in the elevator or in the middle of the classroom, but high school is actually the only setting I've really seen people who are stupid enough to want to try it and rebellious** enough to go through with it. My friend, the day comes when you have to hang up the heavily-graffitied backpack and move on.

And really, any big milestone celebration like these seem to be in the hands of the party throwers as much as it is the hands of the actual graduates. I know that my brother really would be content just taking his diploma and going out about the rest of his life, but I sincerely believe that there is something primal in every parent's brain to want to throw their kid a party. I don't know whether it's a part of mankind's innate social framework, the media's coverage of the sweet sixteenth birthday of insanely rich people, or just parents leaping at the opportunity to spoil their kids without actually spoiling their kids. Either way, it's a good life skill for us antisocialites-people are going to throw you parties whether you like it or not, and as an adult, you need to learn to buck up and take it.

Now that I think of it, I'm going to be graduating from college a year early, so I'm going to have my college graduation party a scotch earlier than this time next year. I've never been to one, but I heard they're a big, fat, hairy deal. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to dwell on that later though. Right now, I have to worry about my brother's graduation. Not to mention the thought of mentioning another party to anyone at this house ever will cause them to burst into flames and then explode.

* also known as a "bitter bear"
** also known as "even more stupid"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stype. (By the way, readers, that's pronounced "Stipe." It rhymes with "snipe." Don't let anyone tell you different.)

    That's the second time you've used the word "scotch" in this blog as a description in as many days. Are you trying to tell us something? Do we need to have an intervention?

    Also, if you can really cause exploding death by party invitations, be sure to use this power only for the most awesome of causes.

    And, finally, this layout is way too red.

    That is all.

