Welcome to S-Type's Words To Live By

What is this you ask? Other than, you know. Words to live by. This is a blog written by an undergraduate English Major with little experience and big plans. It is her sincere dream to be a writer someday, so she feels like it's time to finally crawl out of her dark cave and be a writer for the people.

What can you expect? Standard internet fare really. Snark, humor, bits on life, and lots and lots of fanbetchery. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome to S-Type's Special Place

Hello all you beautiful people, and welcome to Words To Live By! I'm your host, the lovely and charming S-Type. This is the infamous first post of the blog; you know, the one that one flounders around on trying to find the best possible way to define oneself and one's writing style to one's readers. The one that's before you've set up your own boundaries and break them, have ten million in jokes, and finally have people who voluntarily read and actively respond to your posts. Which reminds me: Hi Mom. Hi Teresa.

So, to floundering around: I am currently a 20-year-old English Major living with my parents in a small forest in Central New York State. My hobbies include writing, drawing, doing nerdgirl things like watching animation and British television and playing videogames, amateur knitting, philosophizing, thinking of new ways to get a ticket out of this two-bit town, and wandering around aimlessly. One of my biggest dreams, but far from the only biggest, is to be a professional writer, especially if I can make people laugh. I've really been into doing sarcastic web reviews (sarcasm? On the internet? How unconventional! < /irony >), and if I can get the equipment, I'd like to do video reviews someday. But for now, I'm happy to blog around and see what I'm capable of. And of course, try to get some feedback into ways I can improve.

Updates may be a scotch sporadic for a little while. In my wisdom, I've started this blog not only at the advent of my younger brother's graduation from high school, but at my recent (and desperately needed) part-time job at Walmart before I go back to school. I will try to have a proper post out as soon as I can for your entertainment. So until then, enjoy the last sentence of the first post.

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