Welcome to S-Type's Words To Live By

What is this you ask? Other than, you know. Words to live by. This is a blog written by an undergraduate English Major with little experience and big plans. It is her sincere dream to be a writer someday, so she feels like it's time to finally crawl out of her dark cave and be a writer for the people.

What can you expect? Standard internet fare really. Snark, humor, bits on life, and lots and lots of fanbetchery. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Let's Play: Shining Force, Resurrection of the Dark Dragon

I've recently discovered that we're all going to go insane if we read/write post after post on School Days. So to break up the action, as well as get me some training into the magical world of video reviews, I have decided to create a Let's Play of Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon.

Word on the yard that SF: RotDD is a huge ripoff of one of my favorite game series of all time, Fire Emblem. This was alone to get me curious, because Fire Emblem is kind of a cult classic/indie sort of game, so you really have to be a pretty special kid on the block to even want to rip it off. I've played a few hours and...yeah. It's special. Certainly worthy of some delicious websnark.

Gosh, I can't help but feel a little nervous. This is something of a final frontier. And you can already tell that this is painfully a first web video. But self-depreciation is for another day! Blogger's having a little trouble uploading it, so thank goodness for YouTube.

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